List of ChatGPT Prompt Suggestions -

List of ChatGPT Prompt Suggestions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the powerful tools that made human lives more convenient. One aspect of AI that created an impact is chatbots. Chatbots are used as virtual assistants for customer service or support, but their performance has advanced and improved over time and now be used for other purposes, like research and marketing.

The prominent chatbot today is ChatGPT. ChatGPT was launched by OpenAI on November 2022 and it gained traction with millions of users in less than a week because of its capability to answer complex questions using various techniques.

To prove its capabilities, here are 200 ChatGPT prompts suggestions that you can use.

Art ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about making a haiku on finding inner peace in times of trouble

    1. Can you write me a narrative on loss and heartbreak from the point of view of a dog?
    2. I want to give an emotional monologue. Write me a monologue about a slave who has escaped from the house of his slavemaster.
    3. Give me five coffee mug design ideas that are unique approaches to holding hot liquids.
    4. Can you do a dialogue between a client and a New York lawyer about settling a claim?
    5. Create a flash fiction piece about the Battle of Manila.
    6. Make a haiku on finding your inner peace in times of trouble around you.
    7. Most people want to do pilates at home, and I want to make a tutorial video on how to begin pilates. Give me unique and helpful ideas on what a beginner needs to have when starting pilates at home.
    8. Write a short story about Jackie Kennedy-Onassis and her experience as the first lady of the United States.
    9. How can AI chatbots produce good and original insights for humans? I want to have five thought-provoking questions on the quality and originality responses of these AI chatbots.
    10. Do a children’s book about the legend of the Bogeyman.

Web Development ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about giving a sample javascript code in creating glittering effect for a website

  1. Help me create a JavaScript script that I can share with my tech team.
  2. I need a sleek and minimalist UI that functions on both mobile and desktop versions. Suggest two action buttons for a card component that has a long statement.
  3. Can you give me an html code for designing a children’s website?
  4. I want to make AI art. Can you generate prompts so I can produce good AI art?
  5. What do I need to do when this regex showed? ((([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)
  6. Give me a JavaScript code for creating glitters for my website.
  7. Can you check the security flaw in the code from the npm package? I’m not sure why the code is not working.
  8. Help me convert my h264 video to the proper format without ruining its quality.
  9. Suggest a TypeScript function using the Black-Scholes model to compute the implied volatility.
  10. Tweak the query information in React-Query following. I want to see how it will result.

Music ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about the classical songs

  1. How can you simplify the chords of a song?
  2. I am singing at an awarding ceremony of a retired professor. Can you suggest me classical songs similar to “I Wish You Love” by Sam Cooke?
  3. How do I transpose Don’t Stop Believing by -2?
  4. Valentine’s Day is getting near. Give me five songs suitable to serenade a woman.
  5. Reword the lyrics of Uptown Girl and make new song lyrics from them.
  6. Help me add a verse to the instrumental part of “All I Need.” I want the verse to be a bit positive about how the singer feels better with someone’s presence and he’s all that he ever needs.
  7. I want to write a song. Can you compose a children’s song about waking up early and getting ready for school? The lyrics should be child-friendly and they must rhyme.
  8. Create a song playlist composed of 10 songs that are similar to Backstreet Boys.
  9. Modify the chord progression to make it sound like baroque music:
    G6 F6/R7#9 Eb6/D7#9
    Cmaj7 Gsus2/B Cmaj7 Gsus2
  10. Help me compose a song about two guys wanting to finish work so they can have fun. Include piano chords.

Business ChatGPT Prompts


  1. Give me an email template to request my employees to act more quickly as we have a deadline due.
  2. I want to apply as an employee of this BPO company. Can you help me write a cover letter showcasing my experiences and that I am fit to be in their company?
  3. What ideas can you give about new company concepts without the need for funding?
  4. How do I make a program flow for a stockholder’s meeting?
    ChatGPT prompt about making a program flow for a stockholder's meeting
  5. Help me prepare the agenda for the meeting that would happen on [date].
  6. Layout a product roadmap for Facebook posts to increase the number of engagements in the post.
  7. What is the best way to invest that can earn large returns? Answer from the perspective of an investment manager.
  8. Use the job description and my CV to come up with a recommendation letter on my behalf.
  9. Explain the effect of the Financial Crisis of 2008 on the world, in that I could relate to my proposal of a business venture.
  10. Make an email describing how I won’t be able to work because I got the flu. Make it as convincing as possible.
  11. Can you provide an overview of the tax implications for a small business owner?
    ChatGPT prompt about providing an overview of the tax implications for a small business owner
  12. As a business owner, I often find myself in negotiations with suppliers, partners, and clients, Can you provide some tips on how to be more effective in negotiation?
  13. My business is doing well in the local market, I am now considering expanding to a new market or location, what are some of the key considerations and strategies that I should keep in mind?
  14. I am considering starting a new business, Can you explain the pros and cons of different business structures such as LLC, sole proprietorship, and corporation, and which one would be best suited for my business?
  15. Due to the ongoing pandemic, my company had to shift to remote work, how can I manage and motivate my remote team effectively?

Accountancy ChatGPT Prompts


  1. Can you give me a list of tools an accountant must have daily?
  2. Generate five case study ideas on how to assist a company in streamlining its accounting processes.
  3. I just recently became an accountant. What are some things I need to know about how to make small accounting firms grow bigger and help them succeed?
  4. Provide a tutorial on how to generate client reports in my accounting firm.
  5. Create a list of auditing-related features using ChatGPT.
  6. Make me a financial plan for a small business focusing on long-term investments and cost savings.
  7. From the point of view of the financial analyst, what would be the future of the stock market and how would it affect accounting firms?
  8. Can you walk me through the process of preparing a balance sheet?
  9. Teach me how to set up a chart of accounts for my business.
  10. I have sold a lot of goods, but I don’t know how to calculate the costs. How do I calculate them in a fast and easy way?
  11. I want to set up a small business. How can I use financial statements to make informed business decisions?
    ChatGPT prompt about how to use financial statements to make informed business decisions
  12. As an accountant, I am not sure how to record a journal entry for a sale on credit, can you provide an example of how to do this?
  13. As a small business owner, I am unsure about the difference between accrual and cash basis accounting, can you explain the key differences and when to use each method?
  14. I am trying to understand how to read and analyze my company’s income statement, can you explain the purpose and components of an income statement and how to use it to evaluate financial performance?
  15. I am trying to evaluate the financial performance of my company, can you explain how to use financial ratios and which ratios are most relevant to my business?

Game Developer Prompts


  1. I love playing games and I want to create my own game. Give me a step-by-step process on how to create a game as a beginner.
  2. Provide at least five game ideas that are similar to The Witcher game.
  3. Give me an outline for a blog post on the pros and cons of becoming a game developer.
  4. How can I debug the game I develop?
  5. List the top five ChatGPT tools that every game developer should use.
  6. I have finally created a game, but I’m afraid it might fail. Give me solutions to aid testing games.
  7. What is the evaluation of a ChatGPT plugin for a game engine like Unity?
  8. Let’s try something different. Act as a text-based adventure game – I type the commands and reply with a description of what the character sees.
  9. Please help me write the basics of a production pipeline at a video game studio.
  10. Describe the depth of making a game design document.

Education Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about something interesting about Ernest Hemingway's work

  1. Can you explain the Pythagorean theory, and include a short quiz at the end? Tell me if the answer is correct after I respond to your question.
  2. Tell me something interesting about Ernest Hemingway’s work that I can present to the class.
  3. Give me a short outline for a term paper about the role of women during the American Revolution. I want to have an introduction and body.
  4. ChatGPT creates meaningful poems. Compose a poem about yourself as to how well-versed you are in various topics.
  5. Teach me what quantum mechanics is.
  6. I want to teach subject-verb agreement to my students. Give me a detailed lesson plan on the subject-verb agreement for grade school students.
  7. I will provide a math equation or concept to you, and your job is to answer and explain them in easy-to-understand terms.
  8. Can you give me a template for a Nuclei vulnerability scanner?
  9. Act as an English pronunciation assistant for Turkish. I will write an English sentence and you will respond in pronunciation in Turkish Latin letters.
  10. Write a persuasive essay as to why schools should allow cross-dressing.
  11. Explain the difference between the green apple and the fuji apple to a 5-year-old.
  12. Give me five ideas on how to teach the multiplication table in a creative way to grade school students.
  13. Can you provide example equations for the quadratic formula?
  14. Is there a way to memorize the periodic table easily?
  15. Clearly explain Murphy’s Law that I can write in my essay.

Recipe and Food Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about generating a recipe for a vegan lasagna

  1. Generate a recipe for a vegan lasagna.
  2. I only have carrots, broccoli, and eggs here. What can I cook with these three ingredients?
  3. Can you give me recipes that go well with sourdough?
  4. Give the top ten most searched recipes in the Philippines.
  5. I want to eat healthily, meaning fewer calories but more protein. Can you give me a recipe that only has a few calories but would make me feel full?
  6. Generate a delicious recipe that uses foods near their expiration date.
  7. I want to try something Mediterranean style. What food can I cook using a turbo broiler?
  8. Where can I get authentic pizza dough ingredients in the United States?
  9. Convert the recipe ingredients to the metric system and adjust their ratios accordingly.
  10. Trying something creative today. What recipe can I cook
  11. I am planning to travel to Cambodia alone, what is Cambodian food known for?
  12. Can you create a meal using three types of seafood using only one pan?
  13. Suggest three brands of low-fat yogurt that are accessible in the market.
  14. Tell me the proper ways to prevent an apple from oxidizing fast
  15. I’ll be spending the night alone and I want it to be a chill night. Suggest kinds of wine that would be a perfect pair for my pesto pasta.

History Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about giving an outline of the role of children during the french Revolution

  1. Give me an outline of the role of children during the French Revolution.
  2. If you are a policymaker, provide what you want to include in the immigration policies, and explain them in detail.
  3. Write a reaction paper about the Top 5 Greatest Achievements of Barack Obama during his term as the President of the United States.
  4. Can you explain the significance of Stoicism to our daily lives, and why people should apply this philosophy?
  5. What were the main causes of World War I and what were the consequences? Give me two.
  6. There were various contributors during the Scientific Revolution. But only give me the key figures in the Scientific Revolution and what were their contributions.
  7. How did the American Civil Rights Movement change the political and social landscape of the United States?
  8. Give me an outline to write a term paper about this topic: “What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the environment and the lives of workers?”
  9. I want to introduce the class to ancient history focusing on Egyptian and Green civilizations. What activities can I do with my students?
  10. Write an essay on the role of colonialism in shaping modern-day Africa and Asia.

Comedy Prompts


  1. Write a funny story about Jack and Heather, two people who always come home late from work.
  2. Please make a joke about a banana and a gorilla.
  3. Can you come up with a pun about the color blue?
  4. Create a joke that involves a doctor and a patient, the setup should be about a common medical condition and the punchline should be about the doctor’s diagnosis.
  5. Make a joke about a lawyer and a client, the punchline should be related to the legal system.
  6. I want to make a funny one-liner. Think of a funny one-liner about an artist and a gallery, the punchline should be related to art or the artist’s work.
  7. I was walking along the park, and I suddenly want to make a joke about nature. Make a pun about nature, the punchline should be related to weather or animals.
  8. Make a pun about technology with a punchline related to smartphones or the internet.
  9. Create an Eminem-style joke about Vin Diesel.
    ChatGPT prompt about creating an eminem style joke about Vin Diesel
  10. A delivery rider delivering a package at an abandoned house. Continue the joke, please.
  11. Weird Al Yankovic could compose a letter to Beethoven asking for permission to parody Symphony No. 9 in D minor with a Heavy Metal theme. Include the song’s lyrics.
  12. Dental procedures punchlines. Make it funny, please.
  13. Can you make a funny joke about a DJ playing the wrong song at a party?
  14. Stand-up comedy shows are the best. Make me a funny story about a mechanic and car that I can present to a stand-up comedy show.
  15. How can I make my joke funnier? Give me tips on how to be funnier.

Health and Medicine Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about yoga poses which are suitable for senior citizens

  1. What yoga poses are suitable for senior citizens?
  2. Make a nutrition plan for someone who’s diagnosed with diabetes.
  3. Can you look up information on a certain clinical trial?
  4. I am concerned about a side effect I am experiencing from medication X, what should I do?
  5. List down the foods you can see in the supermarket that are unhealthy for everyone’s health.
  6. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with work, what are some ways I can reduce my stress levels and maintain a better work-life balance?
  7. I’ve heard that mindfulness and meditation can be beneficial for mental health, what are the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and how can I start practicing them?
  8. List some tips for maintaining a healthy weight.
  9. Give 10 natural remedies to cure common health issues like headaches.
  10. I have trouble falling asleep at night, what are some tips for improving my sleep quality and making sure I get enough rest?
  11. I am allergic to X medication, what are alternative options for me, and what are the possible side effects and benefits of these alternative medications?
  12. I am pregnant, and I have a medical condition that requires medication, what are my options for safe treatment during pregnancy?
  13. I often forget to drink water, what are the best ways to stay hydrated and why is it important for overall health?
  14. Teach me how I can reduce my stress levels.
    ChatGPT prompt about teaching how to reduce stress levels
  15. Give me a list of exercises that can lessen back pain.

Social Media Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about creating a social media post asking for movie suggestions

  1. Write a call to action for a [service] that gets the recipient to click the link.
  2. Help me persuade my audience to avail the product I released. Please include that they will get a discount when they visit my store.
  3. Create a social media challenge to encourage people to be physically fit.
  4. I want to educate my social media audience on oranges. Write a social media post explaining the importance of oranges.
  5. Create a list of the pros and cons of using your mobile phone before going to sleep.
  6. I want my post to be interactive. Help me start a social media debate about apples and oranges.
  7. Create a social media post asking for movie suggestions.
  8. I don’t know what to write as a caption for my employee. Help me craft a caption for a birthday post of my employee.
  9. Give me a thought-provoking question to post on my Instagram story about slow living.
  10. Generate a LinkedIn post to explain the benefits of online courses.
    ChatGPT prompt about generating a LinkedIn post to explain the benefits of online courses
  11. I cannot decide what my followers want for my next content. Generate question ideas for my next Youtube content.
  12. Create a Pinterest description for a Pinterest board about summer dresses.
  13. It’s my first time doing Tiktok videos. Help me craft 10 Tiktok ideas about astrology.
  14. Give me five topics Youtube video ideas on how to declutter your home.
  15. I want to create a holiday-related post but I don’t know what to write and post. Give me five ideas on what to post on my social media for the holidays.

Travel ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about giving a list of things to do in Morocco as a first timer traveler

  1. What are the top things to do and see in the city of Hong Kong, China, and what are the best neighborhoods to stay in for a first-time visitor?
  2. How can I fully immerse myself in the culture and traditions of Bali, and which areas of the island should I prioritize visiting?
  3. Imagine you are a travel guide. Explain the beauty of Boracay. I am going to use it as my guide when I become a travel guide.
    ChatGPT prompt about explaining the beauty of Boracay
  4. Can 3-year-old hiking shoes be worn when hiking for a long period at Mt. Pulag in the Philippines?
  5. Give me a list of things to do in Morocco as a first-time traveler.

Marketing ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompt about generating five ideas on how to promote a blog for free

  1. Act like an SEO Specialist and create three articles with the keyword “types of sunscreens.”
  2. Generate five ideas on how to promote your blog for free.
  3. Create an eye-catching email subject line about a release of a new product.
  4. What is the best way to market your product?
  5. Create three CTA messages to check out my company’s website.
  6. List the top SEO blog titles for a store selling sustainable bathroom products.
  7. Provide ideas on how to measure the success of our email marketing campaigns.
  8. Create a compelling article about how to become a successful freelance copywriter for various companies.
  9. Give me five ideas about unsubscribing from emails.
  10. Provide market research on calcium hypochlorite in Saudi Arabia.

Technology Prompts


  1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have been making headlines in recent years, with many experts predicting that these technologies will revolutionize the way we live and work. Can you describe the latest developments in AI and ML and provide insight into what the future holds for these technologies?
  2. Compare and contrast different programming languages and their applications.
  3. Provide an analysis of the current state of cybersecurity and its challenges.
  4. The history of the computer and the Internet is a fascinating subject that has shaped the way we live and work today. Can you describe the key developments and milestones in the history of computing and the Internet and provide an overview of the current state of the industry?
  5. The field of biotechnology is rapidly advancing, with new discoveries and applications emerging all the time. Can you provide an overview of the current state of biotechnology, highlighting some of the most exciting and promising areas of research, such as genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and regenerative medicine?
  6. The rise of social media has changed the way we communicate and consume information. Can you describe the impact of social media on society, including its effects on politics, culture, and privacy, and provide insights on the future of social media platforms?
  7. Discuss the potential implications of the widespread adoption of automation in the workforce.
    ChatGPT prompt about the implications of the widespread adoption of automation in the workforce
  8. As the use of cloud computing increases, many organizations are faced with the decision of whether to build their own infrastructure or use public cloud services. Can you explain the differences between these options and provide the pros and cons of each approach, as well as the best use cases for each?
  9. Is there an impact of AI technology to finance? Give me a list of reasons.
    ChatGPT prompt about the impact of AI technology to finance
  10. The use of virtual and augmented reality is increasingly being used in various industries. Can you discuss the current state of virtual and augmented reality technology and its potential use cases in the future?
  11. Please write a paper on the current state of artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare and its potential future implications.
  12. Can you provide an outline for a research paper on the ethical considerations surrounding the use of facial recognition technology?
  13. The use of autonomous vehicles is becoming increasingly common. Can you write a paper on the current state of autonomous vehicle technology and its potential future implications, including its use in areas such as transportation, logistics, and delivery?
  14. Provide a list of the most popular use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
  15. Make a list of the top 5 most promising applications of blockchain technology.

Sports Prompts

  1. Provide a list of the top 10 most successful soccer clubs of all time in terms of trophies won.
  2. I don’t know anything about sports. Provide a list of the top 10 most iconic moments in sports history, based on cultural impact and significance.
  3. Write an essay on the impact of technology on sports broadcasting and its effects on the viewing experience.
  4. I just got enrolled in a sports class and I’m not familiar with basketball, can you write an outline for me on the history and evolution of the sport of basketball, so that I can understand how it has developed over the years?
  5. Formula One has become everyone’s cup of tea. Give me a list of the top 10 most successful Formula One drivers of all time in terms of race wins and championships.
  6. Give me an ​​outline for an essay on the impact of COVID-19 on sports and the challenges faced by athletes and organizations.
  7. I just got enrolled in a sports class and I’m not familiar with ice hockey, can you write an outline for me on the history and evolution of the sport of ice hockey, so that I can understand how it has developed over the years and the key aspects of the game?
  8. What are the most important physical attributes and skills required to excel in the sport of soccer?
  9. I will be presenting a report on controversies in sports. Can you give me the major controversies and issues currently facing the world of sports and how are they being addressed?
  10. Describe the different types of bets and wagers available for sports betting and the strategies used to increase chances of winning.
  11. I’m interested in understanding the current state of gender equality in sports, Can you write an essay on the current state of gender equality in sports and the ongoing efforts to promote it, so that I can understand the challenges and progress being made in this area?
  12. My former coach promoted me to become a junior coach for the soccer team. What is the role of the coach in a sports team and what are the key responsibilities and duties of a coach?
    ChatGPT prompt about key responsibilities and duties of a coach
  13. Provide the benefits and drawbacks of specialization in sports, and at what age should an athlete begin specializing.
  14. Can you explain the concept of home-field advantage in sports and how it can affect the outcome of a game?
  15. Provide a list of the Top 10 Best Superbowl Performances of all time.

Key Takeaway

This list of ChatGPT prompt suggestions offers a wealth of creative ideas for enhancing the conversational abilities of ChatGPT. By incorporating these suggestions, you can provide a more engaging and personalized user experience, helping to increase customer satisfaction and boost user engagement.


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