Frequently Asked Questions -

Frequently Asked Questions is a unique website dedicated to providing access to an expansive Artificial Intelligence (AI) resource library to professionals, students and enthusiasts. offers a wide range of tutorials, tools (ChatGPT / Stable Diffusion), and articles that are designed to help members stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and machine learning technologies.

The charge is for access to an expansive Artificial Intelligence (AI) resource library to professionals, students and enthusiasts. It includes a wide range of tutorials, tools (ChatGPT / Stable Diffusion), and articles that are designed to help members stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and machine learning technologies.

At the moment, we do not have a dedicated mobile app available, but one is in development and we plan to successfully launch soonest. However, our website is fully optimized for mobile devices. This means you can easily access and utilize our platform using the default browser on your mobile device.

There could be several reasons why ChatPDF is unable to recognize the scanned document in PDF format. Here are some common issues and potential solutions:


Low-quality scan: Sometimes, low-quality scans can result in poor OCR (Optical Character Recognition). If the scanned document is blurry or contains artifacts, it can make it difficult to accurately recognize the text.

Solution: Try rescanning the document at a higher resolution and ensure it is clear and legible.


Complex Layouts: If the scanned document has complex layouts, multiple columns, or intricate formatting, it can confuse the application and lead to inaccurate text recognition.

Solution: For documents with complex layouts, consider using OCR software that specifically handles complex formatting or manually adjust the layout after OCR.


Security Settings: If the PDF has restrictions set by the creator to prevent copying or text extraction, the application may not be able to access the text content.

Solution: If you are the owner of the document, remove any restrictions on the PDFs.


Large File Size: Extremely large PDF files might cause issues with some OCR tools.

Solution: If the file size is very large, try splitting the PDF into smaller sections and process them separately.

If the file contains only scanned images, the system will have difficulty recognizing text. Consequently, the application may not be able to answer your questions as there is no text available for processing in the scanned document.

Details of your Subscription may be found in "Manage Your Account" section by doing the following:

Ensure you are logged into your account
1. At the upper right corner of the screen, click "Manage"
2. Click the tab that says "Subscription"

We are currently using GPT 3.5-Turbo by default when you access Chatbot Pro. You can switch over to GPT-4 through the drop-down menu that appears right above the text field when you're starting a new chat.

For more info, please stay updated by checking your email for our newsletters and articles on this page:

The free version is accessible to anyone at no cost and is generally suitable for casual usage. However, due to the high demand, users may encounter usage limits or wait times.

On the other hand, the paid version has more access benefits such as:

- General access even during peak times
- Faster response times
- Priority access to new features and improvements

It's essential to note that both versions are intended to maintain the same level of conversational quality and capabilities. The main differences lie in the level of service and access to future improvements.

The best way for ChatGPT to answer your questions and inquiries is by ensuring that your queries are clear, specific, and detailed; the more information you provide, the better it can tailor accurate responses.

You can ask about various subjects - from simple factual questions to complex analytical queries, share personal insights, or engage in creative writing exchanges, and ChatGPT will adapt its responses accordingly.

For a better understanding of how to ask ChatGPT to obtain more precise and accurate answers, make sure to visit

To cancel your account, login to your account, then follow these steps:

1. At the upper right corner of the screen, click "Manage"
2. Click the tab that says "Subscription"
3. Under the "Actions" column (far right), click "Cancel"

To update your payment information, login to your account, then follow these steps:

1. At the upper right corner of the screen, click "Manage"
2. Click the tab that says "Subscription"
3. Under the "Actions" column (far right), click "Change Card"

At the login page, click "Forgot Password", then follow these steps:

1. Type the registered eMail address and click "Reset Password"
2. Check the Inbox/Spam folder of the email you provided for Instructions on how to reset your password - Subject: Reset Password Request
3. Follow the instructions.

Using ChatBot Pro ensures that all prompts, commands, and AI-based questions are automatically saved, but, unfortunately, this feature is not available in both ChatBot and ChatBot+.

There is no free trial.

However, you will have full access to our website and all the AI tools, tutorials, courses and other added value when you subscribe to our trial plan which is good for 14 days at a minimum fee of $2.85.

ChatGPT, as an AI language model, has a knowledge cutoff date, which means it only has access to information available up to a specific point in time (September 2021). The reason for this limitation is that AI models are trained on a vast amount of data collected from the internet and various sources up to a certain date.

It's possible that these models may still have limitations in generating accurate and coherent text descriptions when coupled with image synthesis. While text-to-image models have come a long way, they may sometimes produce outputs that seem odd or distorted.


It's important to keep in mind that AI models don't have perfect understanding or creativity like humans do, so they might generate text that doesn't always match our expectations.

ChatPDF is a tool that generates a useful summary of the uploaded document and enables you to ask questions and request feedback based on this understanding. However, at present, it does not have the ability to edit and proofread passages within the uploaded document.

To see your transactions, login to your account, then follow these steps:


1. At the upper right corner of the screen, click "Manage"

2. Click the tab that says "Order"

We are not affiliated with However, we are proud to offer a competitive service that is as effective as the original ChatGPT developer.


We believe that our edge lies in the additional value we provide. Our support system, for example, is always available to address any concerns that you may have.


In addition, we offer several AI tools that can be of great benefit to your productivity.


We want to assure you that we are constantly committed to providing high-quality service to our customers.

At present, our website has the ability to display content only in English.


We understand the importance of accommodating various language options in order to cater to a diverse global audience. As such, we are actively working on adding multi-language support to our website in the near future.

The receipt/invoice is immediately sent to the registered email after the successful payment of subscription fees.


If you don’t see it in your inbox, please check your spam folder or junk mail.


To request for another copy, send an email to [email protected]

This might be due to an issue in the cookies setup. Here are some ways to fix it:


- Before you try to access the website, make sure you are using a Google Chrome browser. If you are already using Chrome, clear cache in the Chrome settings.

- Ensure you are using the correct email address when logging in - the same one that was registered with the ppayment. Log in back to the website using this link:

- Do a hard refresh of your browser by clicking CTRL + F5 in Chrome or Edge. For Mac, hold Cmd-Shift-R or Shift-Reload.

- Reload and when you see the cookie banner at the bottom of the page, click "Accept All"

In Chatbot Pro, you have the option to easily transfer the answers provided by hovering your mouse over the chatbox. Once you do that, two icons will appear. You can then click on the second icon, which looks like a clipboard, to copy the text. After copying, you can simply paste the text onto your document.


For other AI applications, you can use the traditional copy and paste method. Simply select the text you wish to copy by clicking and dragging your mouse over it. Once it's highlighted, right-click on your mouse and choose "Copy." Then, you can paste the copied text onto your document or desired location.